
Welcome to my personal website. I am a 3rd year PhD student working on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Search, with a focus on solving optimization and control problems. My research explores how to leverage compute efficiently during both training and testing to optimize performance.

Specifically, I have explored the use of probabilistic inference as a policy improvement operator through my work Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimisation, leverging inference during both training and test time. I have also explored meta-learning search processes, treating search itself as an optimization problem. I am currently working on learning latent spaces in Reinforcement Learning in both continuous and discrete settings. In you are interested in any of these topics don’t hesitate to reach out for a chat!

About me

I am currently a PhD candidate at the University of Amsterdam, supervised by Dr. Herke van Hoof within the AMlab group. I hold a Master’s in Artificial Intelligence from the University of St Andrews and a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics with Economics from the London School of Economics.

I have gained practical experience through internships working with companies such as InstaDeep and the startup Techspert. My work has been accepted at top-tier conferences such as NeurIPS and ICML. I also have experience working in asset management, having started my career as a quant in the multi-asset team at Aberdeen Standard Investments.

Matthew Macfarlane

  • (2021–Present) Ph.D. AI, University of Amsterdam
  • (2020) M.Sc. AI, University of St Andrews
  • (2017) B.Sc. Math with Econ, LSE


October 2024

SPO: Sequential Monte Carlo Policy Optimization accepted to NeurIPS 2024, Vancouver

September 1, 2024

Started research visit at University of Alberta to work with Dr. Levi Lelis

January 2024

Co-author for Jumanji paper accepted to ICLR 2024, working on accelerated JAX-based environments

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